Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Strokes

The true is that write about my favorite band is the work more dificult to do, because I have many favorite ones, and decide for one only it's very hard.

I could talk about Nirvana and how Kurt Cobain blow my head off with his lyrics, and how I cry everytime thai I see his videos and documentaries; or how I pay more than $130.000 to see Mike Patton the last year with Faith No More and Zu; or how I love Cat Power and her alcoholism; or how I love every riff of Queens Of The Stone Age; or how I dance with the music of Animal Collective when they came to Chile and how this band revolutionized my concept of music (like also did Broken Social Scene).

But if a have to choose one, defenitly it could be The Strokes!
This band change mi way of feel the music, it isn't only just listen one song in the radio and recording in to a cassette (in that time), it's dancing his songs everywhere, it's sing it everywhere. It's listen all his lyrics and cry and laught with it. It's associate every song to a moment that you have once, a person, a boyfriend, a hug, a place, a trip, a nice day.

The Strokes (like Nirvana did once) change the music in this days. I in the year 2001 when they show us his first album "Is This It" the people turned crazy. The look of they always untidy, but handsomes, and a propossition of life like it was in the 70's, with riff and voices no so refined were a reference to the all new bands of garage rock or alternative rock that began to apear like The Vines, The Hives, Kings of Leon, etc.

The 2005 this band came to Chile, with Kings Of Leon for the SUE, I was in high school, and nobody in my group of friend like the band so, nobody want to join me, and as you can imagine I couldn't go. And that it's one of the few things that I regret about it in my hole life!!! I should going alone. Now I only wait that they relese his new album, and come back again.

Someday (subs espaƱol):

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